One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.
* Luciano Pavarotti & William Wright, Pavarotti, My Own Story

March 12, 2008

Onion Bread Pudding

on monday i tried a new dish: onion bread pudding. my kids were not excited by the name. i believe various versions of "ewwh" were heard during the course of cooking. however, once we ate it, EVERYONE except for toran LOVED it! toran tolerated it though, and didn't vomit, so that was a good sign! glenn says it tastes like very delicious warm bread. it was really good. i made the bread crumbs using a cubed up loaf of tasty italian bread from the wegman's bakery, and then toasting the chunks in the oven at 200, for about 30 minutes. check and stir every 10 minutes.


kristenita said...

sounds delish.
old bread?

Sarah said...

This looks good. I made a mushroom and fontina cheese bread pudding for dinner the other night and it was a hit. I used wheat bread.

christy said...

NO, new bread.


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